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Group of Asian college students taking a picture

About Us

The UK Asian Youth Association (UKAYA) is a non-profit organization that is committed to serving the needs and promoting the interest of the UK Asian youth community. At UKAYA, we are committed to serving the British Asian youth community in every possible way. We believe in providing support and guidance to help them overcome the challenges they may face and lead a happy and successful life in the UK.


UKAYA mainly has three business divisions catering to different aspects of the British Asian youth community. The first division of UKAYA provides support to young British Asian females who may face various challenges like bullying, domestic violence, and immigration issues due to domestic violence in cross-cultural marriages. We provide them with the necessary assistance and guidance to tackle these issues and ensure that they can lead safe and secure life in the UK. At UKAYA, we are committed to supporting and empowering young females from the Asian community facing challenges in the UK. We believe that everyone deserves to live a life free from violence and discrimination, and we are dedicated to helping these young ladies achieve it.


The second division of UKAYA is focused on providing psychological support to Asian migrants in the UK who may be struggling with various mental health issues. We organize relevant workshops and mutual support groups to help them overcome their problems and lead happy and fulfilling life in the UK.


The third division of UKAYA is aimed at helping new migrants who may be facing challenges in adapting to their new life in the UK. We provide them with the necessary guidance and support to start a business, study, and tackle other adaptive issues that they may be facing.


UKAYA is dedicated to providing support and assistance to the Asian youth community in the UK. We are committed to protecting the rights of the Asian youth community and providing them with the necessary help and support to overcome the challenges they may face. In the future, UKAYA will continue to focus on the issues facing Asian youth in the UK and work with the government and other NGOs to provide more comprehensive support and assistance to the British Asian community. UKAYA will strive to become the largest and most comprehensive Asian youth advocacy organization in the UK.

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